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OEC launches guide and conducts training on Inclusive Recruitment and Selection
DATE: 09/14/2023
The search for diverse teams and the establishment of inclusive practices are priorities for the OEC. This can be seen in the four commitments set out in the Diversity & Inclusion policy launched in 2021. One of these commitments addresses the need to adopt inclusive processes for attracting and identifying people. With this in mind, and with the aim of qualifying our Recruitment and Selection (R&S) processes by mitigating barriers, the company has developed a guide with the aim of establishing inclusive practices to be carried out at all stages of the selection processes. This guide was developed into training courses for the company’s P&O and HR departments.
The training sessions were held virtually, on different dates and in different locations, in order to cover the cultural and regional specificities of the OEC. On June 5 and 6, the training took place in Brazil. Then, on August 16 and 23, it was Peru’s turn. And soon there will be activities in Angola.
Following the content of the guide, the first module of the training covered the fundamentals of Inclusive R&S, starting with an overview of the importance of Diversity and Inclusion in the workplace. In addition, participants were invited to reflect on cognitive biases, popularly known as unconscious biases, as a way of overcoming barriers that can exclude people in selection processes.
In the second module, the focus was on implementing inclusive practices. The importance of clear and neutral communication with candidates was highlighted, along with competency-based assessment, which guarantees selection based on objective and developed criteria. They also discussed the essential role of this group in guiding the leaders who take part in the selections and who have a decisive responsibility in this journey.
In comments sent anonymously at the training held in Brazil, participants congratulated and reinforced the importance of the topic in the daily lives of people working in HR. In Peru, the comments highlighted how the examples presented in the training helped in understanding and implementing the new practices established.
With this action, we will be increasingly able to attract and select the best people, and enjoy the countless benefits of having diverse teams in inclusive environments. As an additional result of this work, it is also hoped to contribute to achieving the Diversity & Inclusion goals of the LN PA and Novonor’s Vision 2030, especially those aimed at increasing the number of women, people with disabilities and ethnic/racial diversity in the company in general and in leadership positions.
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