September 5th saw the 3rd edition of the Our Culture Seminar, an event that brings together all the companies...
TransPort signs a purchase and sale agreement of RIOgaleão
DATE: 07/13/2017

The company is responsible for the expansion, maintenance and operation of Tom Jobim International Airport, in Rio de Janeiro
This Thursday, Odebrecht TransPort signed a purchase and sale agreement to transfer its share in RIOgaleão to Chinese company HNA Infrastructure. It is a significant advancement on Odebrecht Businesses financial restructuring and strengthening of capital structure plan.
“The sale of our share takes place after the most important delivery, which was the airport expansion and modernization in order to host the Rio 2016 Olympic and Paralympic Games”, emphasized Juliana Baiardi – Odebrecht TransPort Business Leader – in a statement to Members.
The transaction is still subject to condition precedents, including the approval by authorities, with Brazilian’s National Civil Aviation Agency (ANAC) and Brazil’s Administrative Council for Economic Defense (CADE) being among them. This is another step towards its Business restructuring, which carries on the constant analysis of the needs and the conditions required for the total or partial withdrawal of its presence in such assets.
“Our most important commitment is to ensure the continuity of the operations, which will benefit thousands of people. For this reason, I thank you all. To the Members directly involved in the negotiations and to the Teams that ensured the completion of the activities through this transformation-packed moment”, thanked Juliana.
In recent years, Odebrecht has played an important role in the evolution of Galeão airport. In the 70s, the company built Terminal 1, and Terminal 2 was built in the following decade. More recently, Odebrecht expanded and totally transformed the airport for the 2016 Olympic and Paralympic Games.
RIOgaleão has become an efficiency landmark in terms of service provided, connecting people to their motivations. Last March, it went up 6 places in the Ministry of Transports, Ports and Civil Aviation survey, becoming the 6th best in the country, according to passengers. Also in March, the airport temporarily changed its name. For 31 days, it was called Maria da Penha International Airport, in support of Women’s rights. This initiative made to the Best Ads ranking as one of the best in the world and helped to increase the number of cases of domestic violence reported to the authorities according to Disque Denúncia (Crime Reporting Hotline) in Rio de Janeiro.
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