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    In view of the new drop in the Selic Rate, and with the objective of continuing to support Participants...

    June 22, 2020

    After reducing interest rates on the conscious loan twice since the beginning of the pandemic, Vexty is offering to...

    June 22, 2020

    The annual report is a very important document that we prepare annually so that you can keep track of...

    June 08, 2020

    Once again, with the purpose of bringing the Reason to Exist* closer to the reality of Participants and Assisted...

    April 15, 2020

    In the midst of the global scenario of sharp falls in stocks, many people are concerned about their investments,...

    April 15, 2020

    Not only Brazil, but several other countries are going through one of the most serious and impacting crises of...

    April 01, 2020

    Last December, Vexty was able to reap the benefits from their ongoing investments in Governance: this time the Anti-Bribery...

    February 03, 2020

    On November 1st, Vexty introduced 7 new Investment Profiles that, added to the 4 already existing ones, offer different...

    November 12, 2019

    In the children’s month, Vexty welcomed their Members’ children to have a fun day, full of interactions in their...

    October 17, 2019

    Odebrecht Retirement Fund has changed its name to Vexty, a new brand that is neutral in any reference to...

    August 14, 2019

    Odebrecht Retirement Fund started 2019 by reaping the fruits of its continuous investments in governance. In early January, it...

    February 28, 2019

    Since October, the promotion team from Odebrecht Retirement Fund has been visiting the workplaces of Braskem (RS, SP and...

    December 03, 2018

    As part of the constant process of evolution in our Governance, the Odebrecht Retirement Fund has officially announced the...

    September 26, 2018

    Odebrecht Retirement Fund is preparing to change how it invests offshore, following the regulatory changes approved in the first...

    September 25, 2018

    With the theme of “Disruption and the world of the new century”, the congress held from September 10 to...

    September 20, 2018

    Odebrecht Retirement Fund is seeking to partner with an insurer to offer its members a guarantee that they will...

    September 12, 2018

    On August 1 and 2, team members from Odebrecht Retirement Fund participated in the 3rd National Summit of Communication,...

    August 10, 2018

    Gustavo Liberali tem experiência de 16 anos dedicado à Gestão de riscos, Compliance e Investimentos. Começou sua carreira em...

    July 06, 2018

    On May 17, Team Members from the various Businesses gathered at the Odebrecht São Paulo Building to attend the...

    June 07, 2018