This May, executives from Mitsubishi Corporation went to the Baixo Sul region of Bahia to see firsthand the transforming...
Ethical principles, commitment to transparency and acting with integrity. In order to strengthen these concepts and practices among the...
It was raining heavily in Presidente Tancredo Neves. But on the morning of April 11, bad weather was not...
Last week, on April 4-6, São Paulo hosted the 10th edition of the GIFE Congress (Group of Institutes, Foundations...
Mitsubishi Corporation renewed for three more years its partnership with the Odebrecht Foundation to promote the sustainable development of...
“I believe that education in rural areas can be life-changing. And I see in us teenagers the potential for...
Seedlings planted in the organization’s nursery Five years after validating a Group of Projects involving forest restoration and Agroforest...
Around 4,800 people mobilized in 2017 were responsible for raising R$2.2 million. The contributions will benefit over 8,200 teens...
At an altitude of 680 meters, the Serra da Papuã range, located in the municipality of Ibirapitanga and...
How can I be sure that the money I donate to an initiative or educational project will be used...
Since its creation 52 years ago, the Odebrecht Foundation forges partnerships that are essential for promoting the social transformation...
Why did you accept the invitation to lead the foundation? What kinds of things do you plan to contribute...
Approximately 300 children and adolescents were directly benefited by the educational projects supported by the Tribute to the Future Program...
Operating in the region of the Bahia Southern Lowlands and supporting projects focused on education, the generation of...
Member Albertoni Bloisi supports the cause. “What motivates me to participate for so many years is wanting to...
“Let’s turn ourselves into a role model for many people.” This is how Clodoaldo Silva, farmer from the...
“Education and respect for work and for those who produce have guided my posture and professional work,” said...
If your diet includes meat, it would be necessary to plant two trees in one year to neutralize...