
  • Drilling of the Luiz Bom Tunnel was successfully completed in Campo Grande

    DATE: 09/30/2024

    Published by: OEC

    This Friday (09/20), the blasting works of the first gallery of the tunnel under the Luís Bom hill were completed with the presence of the Secretary of Infrastructure Jessick Trairi, the mayor Eduardo Paes, and the sub-mayor of the West Zone, Diogo Borba, thus completing the drilling of the section that will connect Estrada da Caroba to Estrada da Posse.

    The investments in the Ring Road works exceed R$286 million and the expected completion is in the second half of 2025. The complete project includes the implementation and adaptation of roads, including the construction and reurbanization of a bike path along the entire length, new roads in rigid and flexible pavement, a new public lighting network, and new vertical and horizontal signaling devices – improvements that

    will have a great positive impact on urban mobility for residents, not only of the neighborhood but of the entire western region that uses the roads.

    The drilling began in August 2023 and took place on two fronts, at the north and south portals. To adapt to the changes in the geology of the terrain and the geometry along the tunnel, the services followed successive stages, using explosives and machinery, such as the jumbo, which is used for drilling blast holes and excavating tunnels.

    Only in the tunnel work, more than 1,200 jobs were generated directly and indirectly, in three daily shifts. For the execution of this gallery, more than 225 tons of material were excavated, which were loaded in almost 14 thousand truck trips. The other gallery continues to be drilled.

    New Posse Forest

    On the same day that the drilling stage was completed, with the help of a seeder drone, the OEC works team from Campo Grande planted the first tree seedlings for the implementation of the new Posse Forest, which will occupy about 950 thousand square meters in the heart of the most populous neighborhood in the country – something equivalent to more than 130 football fields.

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