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The importance of the Quality Management System at OR
DATE: 05/06/2020

Quality Management is fundamental for companies to constantly improve their processes. It is also a strong ally for the reduction and correction of errors before delivering the product to the customer, increase of productivity, reduction of costs and rework, and risk and opportunity management. It all reflects directly and indirectly on the quality of products and services, in addition to supporting other important processes during the execution of the work, such as Occupational Safety and Environment. According to Marília Duarte, coordinator of the Quality corporate area of OR, “When those involved in the processes understand that quality management is a tool and not bureaucracy, we achieve a great goal, because these are the people who will reap the fruits. They are key pieces for the continuity and improvement of the management system”.
ISO 9001 standard: Quality Management Systems and the normative Reference of the Brazilian Program of Housing Quality and Productivity (PBQP-H) bring requirements for implementation and maintenance of a quality management system, the latter being specifically aimed at construction companies. The approach of the methodologies goes through 4 stages known as PDCA (Plan / Do / Check / Action), which start with the planning of all documentation and controls necessary to achieve the quality objectives, followed by the implementation/operation of the defined measures, accompanied by checks, and, then, critical analysis and identification of QMS improvements. At OR, we have a very mature documental framework That serves as guidance for the implementation and maintenance of quality processes at works, in addition to experienced teams dedicated to the matter. All this structure is supported by the Quality Policy, recently revised to adjust it to new concepts and conducts of OR.
Last month, OR went through another audit to maintain ISO 9001 and PBQP-H level A certifications, referring to Quality Management, reaffirming our commitment to the matter. Audits take place on an annual basis and a recertification process is required after 3 years, when a new cycle is initiated. OR has a ISO 9001 certificate since 2010, with the current scope “Development and construction of building and performance of basic sanitation works and allotments” and in PBQP-H – “level A” since 2013 in “Performance of building and sanitation works”. In the last audit, we had the upgrade to the 2018 version of the PBQP-H Referential, when new requirements were included in the regiment. Marilia explains that at OR, “Our exercise is to look at OR’s Quality Management System to see how we meet the requirements and how we will meet new demands. This work needs to be consistent with the timing of the business and with the available resources, never losing sight of the search for customer satisfaction and continuous improvement of our processes”.
This year, the work of LEDCorporate (corporate development under construction at Barra Funda) and São Paulo Office were the sites audited by Bureau Veritas, accredited company qualified to issue certificates, hired by OR for external quality audits. After the auditor’s checks, a report is issued containing the audit findings and the certification opinion. Once again, we got the recommendation to keep our certification. It is an important result for OR, because, in addition to attesting to our commitments to quality, it shows that, even facing new challenges and changes, we are on the right track, seeking the improvement of our processes and products, aligned with OR’s strategic direction and the requirements of other stakeholders.
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