
  • PDCIS Sana ends as a milestone in the expansion of the Foundation’s social program beyond Bahia

    DATE: 12/31/2024

    Published by: Norberto Odebrecht Foundation

    On December 10th, the community of Sana, in Macaé (RJ), was the stage for a significant event for the Norberto Odebrecht Foundation (FNO): the conclusion of the PDCIS Sana project, the first experience of expanding the PDCIS, FNO’s social program, to territories outside the Bahia axis, where it has been operating for over 20 years.

    The meeting celebrated the main advances achieved by the project started in 2022, bringing together beneficiaries and representatives of the entities that made its execution possible: Ocyan, from the oil and gas sector, the Municipality of Macaé, the Association for the Protection of Environmental and Cultural Heritage (APPAC – Tororó), and the Association of Family Farmers of Sana (APAF).

    The highly successful initiative impacted family farmers in Rio de Janeiro and demonstrated the potential of FNO’s social technology in new territories.

    Over nearly three years, PDCIS Sana promoted training and technical assistance actions for farming families in this mountainous region of Macaé, impacting 332 people and boosting the productivity and sustainability of their crops. In total, these groups were benefited with 42 Educational-Productive Projects (PEPs), 208 tons of inputs, which culminated in the expansion of 38.65 hectares and an increase of R$ 3,384.78 in their average monthly incomes.

    “The results reflect the success achieved, but more than numbers, the impact of our work has enhanced local family farming. The most gratifying thing for me was hearing, in the testimonies of rural producers, the feeling of gratitude,” highlighted Wendy Wicks, a member of FNO’s Sustainability area, about the outcome of the initiative.

    Among the highlights of the event were the symbolic delivery of certificates to farmers, a plaque honoring the participation of the project’s partner institutions, and the distribution of native seedlings, which will be used in reforestation actions.

    “PDCIS Sana leaves important legacies, such as the beginning of an agroecological transition within an environmental preservation area. Additionally, the strengthening of partner institutions, now more recognized, respected, and with greater capacity to articulate to benefit communities,” says Jonas Nascimento, FNO’s Sustainability coordinator.

    Marcio Nascimento, executive director of APPAC, confirms the project’s positive influence on the organization. “Together with the Foundation, we managed to train farmers and clarify the importance of agroecological inputs. Now, we feel prepared to advance sustainable development in our region. This partnership was great for our qualification and growth,” he says.

    The project also represented a milestone for FNO, which, after two decades of operation in the Lower South of Bahia, expanded its social technology to a new state. “PDCIS Sana represented the maturity of our management practices and proved that, despite 20 years, our program remains current, necessary, and ready to explore new territories,” highlighted Jonas.

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