Last weekend, OR presented RYT Paulista, an innovative project that combines studios (24m²) and apartments with 1 or 2...
OR joins the Business Pact for Integrity
DATE: 02/10/2022
At the end of last year, OR joined the Business Pact for Integrity and Against Corruption, from Ethos Institute, an initiative of the Ethos Institute for Business and Social Responsibility aligned with the United Nations Development Program (UNDP).
By becoming a signatory to the pact, OR assumes the commitment to disclose the Brazilian anti-corruption legislation to its employees and stakeholders in order to be fully complied with. It also undertakes to prohibit any form of bribery, to work for legality and transparency in contributions to political campaigns, and to collaborate in investigations, when necessary.
The goal of the pact is to unite public and private companies to make them voluntary agents to promote a more ethical marketplace and enhance the fight against corruption. Besides OR, other large companies have already joined the pact, such as: AMBEV, BASF, Bradesco, Natura, Coca-Cola, and others.
At OR, the Internal Compliance Policy helps and supports Members aiming at to effective compliance of commitments and ethical, integral and transparent performance. In addition to the Policy, we use a Compliance System consisting of 10 integrated measures for prevention, detection, and remediation of non-compliance risks.
“The Members’ commitment, especially the Leaders, in implementing and practicing these measures is fundamental to the effectiveness and efficiency of the system. By joining the OR Pact, this commitment becomes even more effective, in line with our Governance (ESG) purposes,” says Priscilla Wornicow, in charge for Compliance and Sustainability at OR.
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