
  • Olmos project celebrates five years of operation in Peru

    DATE: 11/07/2019

    Published by: OEC

    On November 7, Olmos Project celebrated its fifth anniversary of operation, and it has been five years since the Irrigation works have been completed and the delivery of water to the beneficiaries of the project began.

    Olmos Project consists of transferring the waters of the Huancabamba River from the Atlantic slope to the Pacific slope, through the trans-Andean tunnel, for agricultural use, which is carried out by means of the Transfer component and the Irrigation component.

    The Olmos Transfer, is in charge of the Trasvase Olmos Concessionaire (CTO), responsible for building and operating the works today, with the aim of regulating, capturing and transferring the water from the Huancabamba River to Irrigation in Olmos. The main works are the Limón dam and the 20 km long trans-Andean tunnel.

    The Irrigation component is a self-sustaining Private Initiative (IP), awarded to Concessionaire H2Olmos, who designed, financed, built and now operates the irrigation works to supply water to 43,500 hectares of agricultural land in Olmos, of which 38,000 hectares belong to agro-industrial companies and other 5,500 hectares belong to small farmers located in the Olmos Valley.

    “By celebrating the 5th anniversary of the operation, Olmos is a success model that must be replicated, in view of the great results achieved. The innovative model of the Project from its financial structure and engineering conception, including a land auction of 38,000 hectares, was a bet and a great challenge taken by the Concessionaries Trasvase Olmos and H2Olmos for the agricultural development of the Lambayeque Region ” says Alfonso Pinillos , Olmos Investment Director.

    To date, agribusiness companies have invested more than 600 million dollars developing 22,000 hectares of export crops, such as avocado, grapes, blueberries, sugar cane, asparagus, etc. Furthermore, more than 12,000 direct jobs and an estimated 20,000 indirect jobs have been created.



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