Last Friday (14/02), another graduation ceremony was held for the OEC Educação literacy project. The class, made up of...
OEC receives a record number of applications for its Vacation Internship Program
DATE: 05/25/2018
The Odebrecht Engineering & Construction (OEC) Vacation Internship Program has received a record number of applications from candidates for the July 2018 edition. Twenty-seven thousand, two hundred and sixty-seven (27,267) applications were recorded, which is an average of 1,515 applications per day and a 39% increase in the total number of applications, compared to the last edition in July 2017.
The initiative started in 2011 and enables students to gain the experience of putting what they have learned in the classroom into practice, as well as closer contact with company culture through connections and interaction with experienced professionals.
The selection process is 100% online and involves tests in general knowledge, current affairs, English, Portuguese and logical reasoning. The finalists will go through a stage which involves a personal presentation and an evaluation of their academic background. The final phase is an online interview.
“This is a gateway for the final candidates to be our future professionals. The company will always focus on people’s growth. The majority of our leaders started their careers as interns,” confirms Fabio Januário, OEC Business Leader.
University Ranking
Odebrecht was classified in 5th place from the 100 companies where engineering students in Brazil dream of working, according to Universum research carried out in 2018 and published recently. Universum is an analysis, research, consultancy and activation company specialized in employer branding.
Fourteen thousand, five hundred and eighty-two (14,582) Brazilian students took part in the research for the edition this year and 11.89% of them chose Odebrecht as the most attractive employer. Click here and take a look at the ranking.
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