Last Friday (14/02), another graduation ceremony was held for the OEC Educação literacy project. The class, made up of...
OEC director attends event at Firjan
DATE: 05/31/2024
OEC’s Contracts Director for the Rio de Janeiro market, Rogério Dourado, was one of the speakers at the “Strong Industry” event organized by Firjan (Federation of Industries of the State) on May 23rd. The panel that the director took part in discussed the topic of “infrastructure and mobility”.
The event was attended by more than 600 businesspeople and authorities, such as the Vice-President of the Republic and Minister for Development, Industry, Trade and Services, Geraldo Alckmin, and the President of the BNDES, Aloizio Mercadante. On that occasion, Alckmin and Mercadante received from the organization the document “Firjan’s Proposals for the New Brazilian Industry”, containing suggestions for this policy.
The Vice-President of the Republic highlighted the actions of the federal government and the resources available for the implementation of New Industry Brazil. Alckmin announced that the accelerated depreciation law, which encourages the renovation and modernization of manufacturing facilities, will be signed into law. He also mentioned the creation of the LCD (Credit Line for Development), aimed at industry, and the work to use natural gas as an inducer of development. “We will receive and implement Firjan’s proposals with the NIB, promoting the competitiveness, sustainability and innovation of our industry.”
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