Last Friday (14/02), another graduation ceremony was held for the OEC Educação literacy project. The class, made up of...
Duplication works of Minérios Highway (PR) started
DATE: 12/19/2019
This week, OEC began the preliminary work on the 4.74-kilometer stretch of Minérios Highway that will be re-qualified between the cities of Curitiba and Almirante Tamandaré, Paraná. According to the company, the main construction site where the administrative office was installed is already operational and topographic surveying services have started.
In the last weeks, some large equipment such as trucks, graders and wheel loaders were mobilized. It is estimated that next January a workforce of more than 40 workers will be hired to perform the services, out of a total of 300 workers that this work should absorb during this project. The workforce shall be primarily local.
At the initial phase, the works will be focused on bridge foundations, topographical surveys, vegetal suppression (exclusively on duly licensed areas), in additional to removal of interferences with the support of local partners, such as Copel and Sanepar.
The work will be performed basically in the Curitiba-Almirante Tamandaré direction, and the entire route will be duly signaled with some traffic diversions at strategic points. A property education program will be implemented soon in the surrounding community with the purpose of clarifying doubts and presenting the benefits to the local community.
The scope of the work includes the construction of ten bridges, four overpasses, a footbridge and 15 contention works. Approximately 500 thousand cubic meters of earth will be moved and 40 thousand cubic meters of concrete will be used. The work is expected to be completed in 24 months.
Minérios Highway is an old demand of the population of Paraná, and, in addition to generating jobs and benefiting residents who live along the road, it will improve the traffic condition of light and heavy vehicles in the area, making the highway safer for its users. This work is expected to reduce the number of accidents and give more fluidity to local traffic.
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