During the Annual Meeting of Novonor on December 19, in addition to celebrating the Group’s 80th anniversary and the...
How the work routine has been for some members of the Odebrecht Group in times of pandemic
DATE: 05/08/2020
Since the beginning of the Covid-19 pandemic, the Odebrecht Group has been adopting, around the world and in all of its Business operations, measures toprotect the health, safety, and welfare of all its members.
One of the solutions adopted by everyone was the implementation of the home office program. The administrative teams are still working fromhome full time.
If, on the one hand, part of the Group’s members are isolated at home, another part continues to work in the field, as the Odebrecht Group’s Business operations cannot stop.
In general, we offer products and services that are essential to the population, even in this time of crisis, such as fuel supply, fundamental for transportation, and production of plastic resins, which are used for packaging of thousands of products, including alcohol gel. As part of our members remains in the field, strict safety measures have been adopted with the aim of preserving everyone’s safety while continuing to effectively contribute to society.
Whether at home or presentiallyat work, the pandemic has made everyone change their routines. We invite you to learn more about the daily lives of Odebrecht Group members during this period of social isolation.
Jurema Domingas Rosa, member of the OEC health team in Angola
“During the pandemic, I had to make several adaptations both in my Action Program (AP) and in my daily life. All of us in the healthcare team had to start using, on a daily basis, PPE as gloves, masks, alcohol gel, etc. Additionally, we reduced the agglomeration of patients we care of and had to prohibit visits to hospitalized patients. My main challenges at work today are the awareness campaign of members in all Covid-19 service fronts, training the health team for a better approach to the virus and continuation of other campaigns, such as the fight against malaria. At home, I try to avoid going out as much as possible. Also, I do not receive visitors, I constantly washmy hands and avoid physical contact. When in the work environment, I follow the biosafety measures.”
At OEC, 95% of the office workersare adopting the practice of remote work. Atthe construction sites, which were not requiredto stop, the company adopted hygiene measures in the buses, accommodations, and dining facilities in order to ensure the safety and health ofall our members. Additionally, it has developed specific training programs on hygiene precautions and is conducting periodic surveys in the kitchens in order to advise on the necessary precautions. See here other measures adopted by the OEC to guide and protect its members.
Flávia Valente, member of Braskem’s electric power technical maintenance team
“A major adaptation in our plants was necessary to reduce the exposure of our members to the virus. We form two work groups, which take turns going to the plant every week, and we have created a routine for monitoring the progress of work viaSkype. All our meetings for coordination, AP follow-up, and reliability subcommittees, which were full of people, now occur viaSkype and/or Teams. Thus, we reduced the number of members travelling on buses, in the cafeteria, and in the workrooms. My biggest challenge right now is to keep my team united and focused on deliveries, even considering the challenges of working remotely and of the new scenario. There has been a change in the way we work toenable deliveries, especially in the operation, where we need to have greater compliance with issues related to people’s health and safety. As the leader of my area, I chose to go to the plant every day. I have taken all measures, indicated by Braskem, for full surveillance ofpersonal hygiene issues, maintainingsocial distance, and no longer holding meetings with the team physically.”
At Braskem, most of the Members are working and have adopted the flex office work regime. As chemicals and plastic resins are essential materials for the production of various products that help combat the new coronavirus, such as surgical masks and alcohol gel bottles, the production plant teams continue to work in a reduced scheme, following all the orientations of the health organs.
Teresinha de Jesus Rodrigues, member of the Ocyan Fiscal team
“Here at home I created a routine: I go to sleep at the usual time, wake up around 7 o’clock, and usually start working before 8. I take my lunchtime and take the opportunity to stay 10 to 15 minutes sunbathing while the sunlight enters my window. At the end of the workday, I exercise at home for at least an hour. I adapted a room in the house to be my office and I use it only for my work. As far as my AP is concerned, it has not changed. Iam managing to make all deliveries, sometimes having a few problems to work with very large spreadsheets, but managing to deliver everything. I only go out when I need to shop at the market. I wear a mask and, when I get home, I have being following the recommendations: I do not enter with shoes, I wash my hands with soap and water, I take off my clothes, I put them to wash, and I take a bath. In order to avoid feeling lonely or bored, I always contact relatives and friends. I also seek to fill my mind with reading, movies, and studies.”
Members of Ocyan’s offices are working remotely. In the Offshore environment, on ships, work continues to ensure fuel supplies, essential at this time for health and public safety vehicles, for transportation of food and beverage raw materials, among others. The Business adopted measures to prevent Covid-19, such as pre-shipment assessment interviews and increased frequency for the cleaning of common environments.
Andre Berberick Maciel, member of the Automotive Maintenance team of Atvos PSP
“As I belong to the risk group, I had to set up an office inside my house, working viaremote accesses. About 10% of our team belongs to the risk group and, therefore, is in social isolation, just like me. As our work is an essential activity, we cannot stop and, therefore, we had to reinvent ourselves in order to continue with the equipment maintenance activities. We reallocated the teams, focusing on the equipment that is in the field, so that we continue our harvest normally. The big challenge is remote monitoring, which we compensate for by daily phone contacts or videoconferences. This follow-up is possible thanks to the relationship of trust and autonomy I created among my team members. More than at any other time, planned delegation is essential to ensure the continuity of our activities. At this time, it is very important to have a daily schedule, with predefined times and a lot of discipline to carry them out. It is also important to maintain a balanced diet and exercise daily. One tip is to update yourself through several EAD courses free of charge available on the Internet.”
At Atvos, part of the members of the offices in the cities of São Paulo and Campinas, as well as the administrative areas of the agro-industrial units, are working remotely in their homes. The operational members, on theirturn, continue to work, under reinforced safety measures, to deliver products that are essential to the population, such as sustainable fuel, sugar, and electric power.
Judison Nery dos Santos, member of the operation team of Concessionária Rota do Oeste
“I took this moment to solve my PA goals related to innovation and keep the team updated. With the stoppage of cargo vehicle weighing on federal roads, we have sent the team to provide support at PP2 Toll Square. The challenge was great, because we have direct contact with the user, which requires a double care regarding safety and health. Aiming at everyone’s well being, the company offered to the members the necessary requirements to develop the activities safely, and guarantee everyone’s health. The company provided masks, alcohol-based gel, gloves and guidance on the pandemic and how we can avoid contagion. I’m being careful with what I take into my house. I sanitize objects, and clothes go straight to the washing machine, and I intensify the cleaning of the house, while taking care of my personal hygiene”
Most of the OTP team in offices, considering the operations atthe concessionaires, is working remotely. Atthe concessionaires, campaigns providing health guidelines and distributing sanitation kits and food are being carried out to assist drivers in charge of an essential service: supply of the country. All members have been trained to perform their activities in a safe and healthy manner.
Matheus Dahia, member of production team
“At the OR construction site, where I work, all the protection measures advised by the WHO are being practiced. We installed a sink with a hypochlorite solution so that all members can disinfect their shoes when accessing the site. Everybody has their body temperature measured and are forced to wash their hands at the entrance. We have installed advanced lavatories and alcohol-based gel stations for PPE sanitization. We have implemented work shifts and lunch at alternate times, distancing in lines, delivery of kits with masks, cleaning products and facial protectors. The main challenge is to raise awareness among people, ensuring distancing between them and the use of PPE necessary during the performance of activities. Today, I try to transit basically from work to home, exposing myself as little as possible. Interactions with friends happen exclusively through digital platforms and physical activities had to be adapted indoors. When I have to go out, you have to leave my shoes outside, shower as soon as I arrive and not reuse my clothes until I wash them”
At OR, the office staff has also adopted remote work. Atthe construction sites, where the work continues, the company strictly follows the recommendations and guidelines of the World Health Organization and other competent authorities, such as the distribution of sanitization kits with alcohol gel, water, and soap; checking of the temperature of the members when entering and leaving the construction site; provision of kits with masks and hygienic items; frequent cleaning of PPE (personal protective equipment) and of areas with higher circulation; schedules with different lunch times, entrance, and exit to reduce the flow of people, in addition to holding lectures and distributing educational posters.
Patricia Velasco,member of the OEC Engineering and Systems support team.
“We had to change ourfamily routine and adapt the house as we, my husband and I, are working at home, and our daughter is taking online classes. We organize logistics to minimize interference between the three workstations we assembled, as sometimes we are all on call. My AP itself has not changed, but the way I interact with the team has. During the first days, it was a challenge to adapt, but today I feel that communication is flowing naturally with both my subordinates and the leadership. The available corporate tools are working well. During the first days of home office, due to the pandemic, we created a monitoring tool, called “BuscaAtiva” [“Active Search”], in order to report the cases of members with Covid-19. It was a huge challenge to support the development, conceptualization, and testing of an unknown subject out of the engineering routine. So far, I have managed to perform my work activities without leaving home. When I need to go to the market or pharmacy, in urgent cases, I wear a mask. I go up and down the stairs, the shoes are left outside on a cloth with disinfectant, the clothes used for going out are immediately soaked inwater and soap, I take a shower and wash my hair, besides washing my hands constantly.”
Fundação Odebrecht
Fernando Lordelo, member of the Organization and Governance team
“Due to the pandemic, I began to remotely manage my contact with Institutions due to travel restrictions and the need tocomply with social isolation regulations. Although I am working at home, I am going to the office at least once a week in order to check the operation of the air conditioning device that refrigerates the DPC (Data Processing Center) of the Odebrecht Foundation and the physical structure of the office. In my daily life, I also had to adjust the school routine of my daughter Sofia, 7 years old, because the classes started to be carried out by video in real time, prepare daily meals and perform other household chores. It has been a very challenging experience to conciliate all this with the activities of monitoring the work of the Institutions. And I still save some time to play with Sofia.”
The Odebrecht Foundation and the partner institutions for development of the Sustainable Integrated Development and Growth Program (PDCIS) have been following the recommendations of the World Health Organization (WHO) to contain the spread of the new Coronavirus. Distance learning, remote work, and a special scheme of visits to family farmers are some of the initiatives.
Luiz Gustavo Okada, member of the Horiens Guaranty team
“In my daily life, my first initiative was to organize schedules together with the family. Children, having online classes, demanded a follow up duringthe first days and greater involvement of the parents, either with the operational or with the content of the subjects. Last but not least, we organize ourselves to share homework, so that, in the end, everyone helps. In practice, the beginning was somewhat complicated, as the children could not focus 100% on their priorities and, in addition to other homework and work routines, I thought it would be very complicated to deal with the quarantine. I confess the result was better than expectations, as the “gears” started to work very efficiently and automatically, and the challenges of the work could follow the normal course on a daily basis. I also started to incorporate physical exercises at home, such as an elastic (resistance and flexibility exercises) and climbing stairs in the building. Challenges have not stopped, they remain the same day by day. I felt a strong approach to the markets that operate in Guarantees. I am a person who likes to be face-to-face with these markets, assume a certain risk “under the arm”, and discuss it personally. I understand that this provides more confidence to the risk analyst and strengthens the partnership relationship. In these times, I have tried to keep the conversations online with these professionals, not setting charisma and good humor aside”
As a measure of responsibility and safety, the Horiens team is working remotely. The rhythm of work is the same, to guarantee excellence to the Business risk management programs. Moreover, as far as people insurance is concerned, the team has made an additional effort together with the insurance companies in order to provide information and the best solutions to the members and their families at this time, and places its service team available at olapessoas@horiens.com| 11 3096-8080 or 0800 740 1234
Maynara Melo, member of the Vexty Communications team
“There were many adaptations. Even when I was on maternity leave, I did not have to adjust myself so much. As I have a 3-year-old daughter, Maria Flor, we have many challenges. The first one is always cooking something different, as to avoid getting tired of the same thing, considering the need for healthy and colorful food. Child stuff! Although my daughter is very small, the school has chosen to hold online meetings to keep students connected. We also follow the classes online. During the day, we focus on our work activities and, duringour lunchtime, we eat fast so we can play with Maria Flor. I think that during this period, we all have challenges in our APs. Some items were postponed, others were canceled, others were adjusted. We have to be adaptful in order to carry out our activities even being far from the people who support us, but we were able to hold very productive meetings using digital tools.”
In order to prevent the spread of Covid-19 and to protect the Participants and Served Individuals, the entire Vexty team is working remotely for indefinite time. In order to clarify possible doubts of the Vexty plan participants, a web conference was held for explaining the impacts of the pandemic in the plan. Click here and check out!
Luiz Juvenal de Souza, member of the Ciaden team
“Here at home, I have adapted the living room to incorporate my workstation. I try to keep the routine as if I were in the corporate environment, always paying attention to hygiene procedures. The main challenge for my AP is to maintain the external relationship to fully meet the bids, such as Itamaraty, consulates, notary offices, etc. Closing and proposal submission is also another great challenge. Everything has been going well, despite the physical distance. Although I only go out when it is extremely necessary, I always wear a mask, I constantly sanitize my hands with alcohol gel or soap and water, I maintain a distance of 1.5 m from people, and, when I come back home, I take off my shoes at the entrance, I put my clothes to wash, and I take a shower, in addition to sanitizing the products I buy and my shoes.”
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