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Horiens participates in Claims Day 2024
DATE: 04/01/2024
Horiens was present at Claims Day 2024, an event organized by claims adjuster CRT Experts and RPZ Advogados to discuss the main challenges and opportunities facing the insurance sector in Brazil.
The event aimed at the insurance and reinsurance community brought together around 150 people on March 11 in São Paulo and featured agendas focused on the prospects and future of claims regulations, as well as proposing the analysis of cases of property claims, E&O (Errors and Omissions), cyber, engineering and warranty risks.
André Ricardo Rosa, Head of Claims at Horiens, represented the company on the panel dedicated to a specific case of cyber insurance, alongside Fabiano Totino from Marsh, Salvador Giuliano from Crawford, Robson Vissotto from AIG, André Lopes from CRT Group and Felipe Reis from RPZ Advogados.
“This was the first Claims Day and it was a success. Many current topics and trends, such as new regulations and the use of artificial intelligence in the context of claims regulation,” says André.
Cyber insurance
The growing demand for cyber insurance has been on the agenda of the insurance market and companies, but it still raises many questions, which is why it was a topic that had to be discussed at Claims Day 2024. “When we talk about cyber insurance, we know that it’s a policy that will have events. The question is: how big will it be?” André points out.
“It is essential to prepare the ground with adequate risk management. This will create the conditions for placing a good policy that ensures the least possible wear and tear, both in terms of the impact on business and in the process of settling the claim,” he adds.
According to André, one of the main themes addressed in the panel was the importance of demystifying cyber insurance. This means that when there is an event, the process takes place as in other policies.
There are experts who specialize in investigating the cause to understand, for example, whether it is cybernetic or due to errors and omissions. This is one of the main challenges of regulation. From that point on, the procedures follow their normal course.
“It sounds very complex, but it really isn’t, as long as there’s good monitoring. The pieces have to work well together and at the right time. The role of the broker in this context is fundamental so that the insured can have peace of mind backed by the policy,” he says.
Check out some photos from Claims Day 2024
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