
  • Have you already referred or updated your beneficiaries in the plan?

    DATE: 10/27/2022

    Published by: Vexty

    Talking about the time when we won’t be here anymore is not something we usually or like to do, but leaving some things prepared for when that happens means offering a little reassurance in a particularly difficult situation for the people important to us.

    Here at Vexty, this means, among other things, naming your beneficiaries; after all, they are the ones who will receive your accumulated plan balance in case of your death.

    That’s right. You can (and should!) register the people to whom you want to leave your estate. The advantages of doing this are many, here are some:

    – leaving one less thing to worry about for those who remain, since the accumulated balance does not go into probate proceedings and is destined directly to the designated beneficiaries,

    – using the complementary pension plan as succession planning, since the indicated beneficiary can be any Individual, regardless of the degree of kinship with the Vexty Plan Participant or Assisted Person,

    – defining as many beneficiaries as you want, as well as the percentage of the balance that will be destined to each one,

    – avoiding payment of attorney’s fees,

    – avoiding having the payment set in an estate,

    – manage this referral 100% online.

    So, be warned!

    Some Participants and Assisted Persons in the Vexty Plan have not yet indicated their beneficiaries. If you are one of them, make your referrals and ensure your wish is fulfilled!

    And, even if you have already made such a referral, keep this information updated.  You can define as many beneficiaries as you want, as well as the percentage of the balance that will be assigned to each one, and you can consult and change both the nominees and the percentages whenever necessary.

    To make your indication or consult it, just access the restricted area, click on the “Consultations and Services” tab, and choose the “Indication of Beneficiaries” option.

    Any questions, just contact our team! ?

    To take care of the future of your beloved ones. Vexty. Absolutely.

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