
  • Foundation holds Culture and Memory Program for Ocyan trainees

    DATE: 05/11/2023

    Published by: Norberto Odebrecht Foundation Ocyan

    Participants went on an immersion trip through the history of the Novonor Group and Norberto Odebrecht

    Items by Norberto Odebrecht and the Novonor Group were presented to trainees

    Ocyan trainees experienced a true immersion in the history of our founder, Norberto Odebrecht, and the Novonor Group by participating in a Culture and Memory Program carried out by the Norberto Odebrecht Foundation. The initiative took place on the 4th and 5th of May, at a face-to-face meeting in the Baixo Sul region of Bahia.

    During the visit, Ocyan Members got to know up close one of the most significant places in the history of Norberto Odebrecht: Serra da Papuã, in the city of Ibirapitanga (BA), where an exhibition was held with historical items from the engineer’s life and career.

    “It was the first time that items from the former Cultural Center were exhibited elsewhere – and none would be more symbolic than Serra, where Dr. Norberto was inspired,” explains Cristiane Nascimento, responsible for Sustainability, Partnerships and Communication at the Norberto Odebrecht Foundation. “Bringing the members of the Group closer to the legacy of our founder is what allows Nossa Cultura to remain strong, and it is one of the main objectives of our work”, she says.

    Member of People & Organization at Ocyan, Priscila Fidelis says that the Group’s purpose of aligning its performance with a positive impact was evident. “The company is very concerned about the communities around us, and this is a very important part of our trainees’ development,” she said.

    Meeting with young people

    Trainees and young people from Baixo Sul da Bahia in a moment of integration and conversation about Our Culture

    In Serra da Papuã, the trainees were also able to plant trees native to the Atlantic Forest with the Land Conservation Organization (OCT), one of the local NGOs that carry out the Foundation’s Social Program. And the day before, they visited the Rural Family House of Presidente Tancredo Neves (CFR-PTN), where it was possible to witness the daily lives of young people in training and talk to one of the groups.

    The moment was one of great emotion and an intense exchange of experiences. The conversations reinforced Nossa Cultura in practice, showing how young people from the rural school and Ocyan, despite living such different realities, are connected by their values and the desire to make a difference in the world.

    “A seed was born in me. See how young people in training want to improve their lives and those of their parents, see this non-conformity… Those who are present here also did not conform and wanted to build a better life for themselves. So we were able to identify a lot with young people,” said trainee Patrick Felix.

    In his view, the meeting also highlighted the responsibility that each member has to promote social transformation. “Knowing that the work we do in the offices or on the high seas serves not only for the Business, but also to support the lives of teenagers like these, here in Bahia… that changes our vision”.

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