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Enseada donates quilombola education books to schools in Maragojipe
DATE: 04/30/2024
During the meeting with the principals of the municipal schools, organized by the Maragojipe Department of Education, Sport and Leisure on April 16, held at the Plínio Pereira Guedes Integral College in Maragojipe, Enseada formally handed over the book “Quilombola Education: clues for the implementation of the teaching of African history and cultures in Brazil and of Afro-Brazilians”, which was attended by 51 school managers from the municipal school network.
The book “Quilombola Education” is not just a book, but a tool built on field research carried out by the consultancy Brasil com Artes, in response to a request from Enseada, as part of the licensing requirements for the project with the Palmares Cultural Foundation – FCP, whose attributions are currently with the National Institute for Colonization and Agrarian Reform – INCRA.
The importance of Quilombola Education transcends the geographical limits of Maragojipe, making it essential in the contemporary educational panorama, especially in the Recôncavo region, where traditional communities are numerous.
Recognizing and valuing the histories, cultures and contributions of people of African descent to the construction of Brazilian society is crucial. Laws 10.639/2003 and 11.645/2008, which make the teaching of African, Afro-Brazilian and indigenous cultures compulsory throughout the country, are fundamental pillars for combating structural racism and promoting racial equality.
During the meeting, the principals of the municipal schools shared successful experiences of quilombola education projects already underway. These exemplary practices are the result of the Teacher Training for the Elementary School Network, held by Enseada in October 2023. The focus of this training was the applicability of the knowledge contained in the book, through workshops given by a multidisciplinary team from Brasil com Artes, coordinated by Professor Vilson Caetano de Sousa Júnior.
On the occasion, other publications were distributed by the company, such as copies of the Quilombola Collection and the booklet Cultural References in Enseada’s area of influence, which covers the cultural references in the project’s area of influence, identified through research during the development of the National Inventory of Cultural References – INRC. This latest publication represents an effort by Enseada to make available an essential tool for identifying and documenting cultural assets and, consequently, opens doors to the possibilities of preserving these cultural assets, both immaterial and material. In order to provide greater visibility and capillarity, Enseada’s publications are also available for free on the Issuu platform, a digital tool that transforms printed publications into digital ones, while maintaining the characteristics of the “leafing through” action, only using the mouse. Visit Enseada’s website at:

The two main publications distributed: Quilombola Education and Cultural References of the Area of Influence.
This event is not just a donation of books, but a significant step towards promoting a more inclusive and representative education, building a future in which diversity is not only recognized, but celebrated and incorporated into the education system, constituting an educational guide for the materialization of the history of quilombola peoples and the perpetuation of their culture.
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