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Atvos awarded Top 3 MasterCana Award in the category Appreciation of Diversity
DATE: 11/11/2020

Award celebrated the main cases of the bio-energy sector in several categories
Atvos received the Top 3 award in the category Appreciation of Diversity with the Believe in Diversity Program in the 2020 MasterCana Award. Promoted by ProCana Brasil together with the Agro-industry Human Resources Studies Group, the award encourages and recognizes the main practices and actions in personnel management and social-environmental responsibility of companies in the bio-energy production chain.
The Believe in Diversity Program seeks to qualify people with disabilities by contributing to their insertion in the labor market. The purpose of the actions is to develop behavioral competencies and skills in the performance of routine tasks according to technical, environmental, quality, safety and health standards, and also offer assistance in the financial planning of the participants’ families.
At the Goiás Unit, the winning initiative of this edition of the Award was implemented in 2019 in partnership with SESI SENAI (Industrial Social Service and National Service for Industrial Training). The program has trained 80 youths eligible to enter the labor market and has also been recognized by the Global Award for Good Practices in the Employment of Persons with Disabilities, an initiative of the Secretary of State on the Rights of Persons with Disabilities of the State of São Paulo with in a ceremony at the United Nations (UN) headquarters in New York.
We want to contribute to a more equitable world and the recognition of the Master Cana Award is the fuel we need to continue in the search for a better future.
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