The CEO of Vexty, Mauro Figueira, has been reappointed as the coordinator of Abrapp’s Ethics Committee – the Brazilian...
2nd period of 2023 to change Investment Profile
DATE: 09/28/2023
Throughout October, you will be able to assess whether your current Investment Profile is suitable for your purpose with Vexty Plan, which needs to be well aligned with your life and career.
You can choose from 10 Investment Profiles, the main premise of w1hich is to provide the best risk/return ratio according to your investment horizon.
100% online modification
If, after your assessment, you decide to keep your current Profile, no formalization is required. Now, if you decide to change your Investment Profile, simply access the restricted area of the Vexty website, from October 1st to 31st, and register your choice.
To be an agent for your investments. Vexty. Absolutely.
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