
  • Vexty gathers sponsors to celebrate its 30th anniversary

    DATE: 11/19/2024

    Published by: Vexty

    On the evening of November 13, Vexty held an event at the Entity’s headquarters in São Paulo to celebrate its 30th anniversary. The meeting was attended by representatives of the Sponsors, Vexty’s founders, leaders of the Entity and leaders of the Abrapp System (Brazilian Association of Closed Supplementary Pension Entities).

    “Our history is marked by achievements, innovations and great results. Throughout these 30 years, the Vexty team has stood out for its ethical, honest and transparent performance, managing the assets of Participants and Assisted Members with excellence and security, always counting on the fundamental partnership of the more than 70 Sponsors and with the zealous guidance and monitoring of the Deliberative and Fiscal Councils. Everyone who is here today has been essential to us reaching this anniversary with an important legacy for Brazilian supplementary pension funds,” said Mauro Figueira, Vexty’s CEO.

    According to Vinicius Narcizo, the Entity’s Investment and Finance Director, the Vexty Plan is a benchmark in the pension sector, due to the differentiated benefits it offers, such as various investment profile options, the target date model, as well as having specialized market managers and robust governance. Cristiano Verardo, Director of Security, Relations and Technology, added that the Vexty Plan has no grace period and no minimum age for redemption or benefits. “We offer flexibility for the beneficiaries to choose how they want to receive their funds, a model of staggered contributions from the sponsoring company according to the percentage of contribution chosen and an additional annual contribution from the sponsor.” Participants also have PrevSeguro. “This exclusive life insurance is offered and fully funded by the sponsoring companies, which guarantees the payment of the balance that would have been accumulated in the pension plan from the date of the claim – death or disability – until the age of 65,” explained Figueira.

    During the event, the Entity’s CEO gave special recognition to the Sponsors. “I would like to thank them for the trust they have placed in our work and for their partnership over the last three decades, which has been fundamental to our reaching this anniversary as the 8th largest defined contribution plan in Brazil. This solid and lasting partnership enables us to maintain our commitment to supporting participants in building a prosperous and safer tomorrow. This is what motivates us every day. Supplementary pensions play an essential role in achieving longevity with quality of life and well-being,” he said.

    Companies that rely on Vexty to manage their employees’ supplementary pension solution also receive significant benefits, such as administration of the plan without bureaucracy and at no cost to the company, as well as periodic financial education, promotion and appreciation of the benefit directly to employees, with visits to the Sponsors’ units in various states of Brazil. All of this is carried out in a planned manner in line with the HR leadership of each Sponsor.

    “Sponsors who rely on the Vexty Plan also benefit because employees feel more secure when they realize that the future is being taken care of. This brings more engagement and increases the sense of belonging of the teams in the companies. We are confident that we are fulfilling our mission, as the surveys show satisfaction levels of over 90%, both from Participants and Assisted Members, and from the Sponsors,” commented Figueira.

    The event also featured testimonials from the Chairman of the Advisory Board, Pedro Freitas, Guilherme Abreu, former Chairman of the Advisory Board and one of the founders of the Entity, and Abrapp’s General Superintendent, Devanir Silva. Everyone recognized the professionalism of the Entity’s management, the positive evolution of governance, innovation and care for Participants and Assisted Members.

    Vexty’s CEO also spoke about the future. “Faced with a scenario that is changing at an ever-increasing speed, we will continue our commitment to offering the best solutions for Participants and Assisted Members. With 30 years of experience and the certainty that we are heading in the right direction, we are ready to face the next challenges, guaranteeing security in the management of assets and closely supporting their journeys into the future,” Figueira concluded.

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