
  • Tribute to the Future 2020 campaign starts today

    DATE: 10/01/2020

    Published by: Norberto Odebrecht Foundation

    Inspired by Norberto Odebrecht’s legacy, campaign that unites members of the Odebrecht Group encourages donations for the education of adolescents

    Mascots Luna and Dante represent the youthful protagonism and the will to grow of the youths of the Family Houses (Casas Familiares)

    Education for all. A more sustainable future. Reduction of social inequalities. Gender equity. What cause moves you? What legacy do you want to leave to the world? With this invitation for reflection, the 2020 campaign of the Tribute to the Future starts this Tuesday, September 29th. Inspired by the social legacy built by Norberto Odebrecht, founder of the Odebrecht Group who would turn 100 on October 9, the campaign encourages individuals and companies to make donations for the education of adolescents in rural areas.

    To donate, access the Tribute to the Future website and choose which school you want to make your contribution to. All of the value mobilized is directed towards training youths who study at the three Odebrecht Foundation partner family homes in the execution of its Social Program, the PDCIS. Rural high schools integrated to technical courses certified by the Unesco Associated School Program, the Family Houses are located in the municipalities of Nilo Peçanha, Igrapiúna and President Tancredo Neves, in Bahia’s Baixo Sul region.

    “Every year, approximately 300 adolescents are benefitted by the Family Homes. At the schools, they learn all the curricular basis required by the Secretary of Education and by the Ministry of Education with theoretical and practical classes focused on the reality of rural areas. Donating to the Tribute to the Future enables these youths to continue receiving a quality education and to develop themselves in the rural countryside, undertaking and conquering better living conditions for themselves and their families,” explains Beatriz Lepikson, responsible for the Tribute to the Future at the Odebrecht Foundation.

    Who can donate

    Any natural or legal person can participate. There are two ways to contribute: by the donation of any amount or via tax benefit, for those who submit their income tax return using the complete form. The amount collected goes directly to the Municipal Funds for the Rights of the Child and Adolescent (Fundos Municipais dos Direitos da Criança e  do Adolescente) – (FMDCA) which is managed by the Municipal Council for the Rights of Children and Adolescents (Conselho Municipal dos Direitos da Criança e do Adolescente) – (CMDCA) of the municipalities where the supported schools are located, which receive 90% of the collected resources. The remaining 10% is directed to other smaller institutions that also develop projects for childhood and adolescence in the region.

    This year’s campaign brings certain novelties to further engage donors and also counts on the reinforcement of mascots Luna and Dante. Inspired by the words “pupil” and “student”, they represent the youthful protagonism and the will to grow of the youths of the Family Houses. Due to the social distancing imposed by the pandemic of the new Coronavirus, Luna and Dante emerged to rescue the feeling of closeness and, in a playful way, strengthen the mobilization.

    Remote teaching

    For Clécia de Jesus, developing her first business in the rural area means becoming a young and independent entrepreneur

    In 2020, even during the pandemic, home-based students continue to receive a quality education. Adapted to the online reality, aiming at the safety and welfare of the adolescents, their families and educators, the activities of the schools started to occur remotely. This way, the students’ objectives of formation and productive projects continue to be developed with the same commitment as always, despite the challenges encountered by the pedagogical teams.

    It is adolescents like Clécia de Jesus who are maintaining the pace of their studies. For her, developing her first business in the field means becoming a young and independent entrepreneur. At the age of 16, the adolescent is enrolled in the 3rd year of high school at the Casa Familiar Agroflorestal  (CFAF), a rural school and partner of the Foundation in the realization of the PDCIS. Clécia, who is graduating in the forestry technology and was influenced by her brother to join the CFAF, says that quality education was what motivated her to participate in the school’s selection process. “The entry into the Family Home awakened in me a desire to remain in the field and learn new practices to improve our lives more and more every day,” she says.

    The Tribute to the Future campaign enables Clécia and a hundred other adolescents to study and develop themselves and their families in the field with quality of life.

    Be sure to participate. Access Tribute to the Future (Tributo ao Futuro )and make your donation.


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