Last Friday (14/02), another graduation ceremony was held for the OEC Educação literacy project. The class, made up of...
OEC reinforces Covid-19 prevention measures
DATE: 04/02/2020
In the last days, cases of new Covid-19 increased significantly in Brazil, and caused authorities to establish more effective measures to prevent the spread of the virus. In the same of sense of intensifying actions and contributingto the prevention of this pandemic, OEC is frequently guiding their members allocated in corporate offices and in worksites to increase their attention to the compliance withthe established health protocols, as well as the specific instructions to our environments for the mitigation of the syndrome.
See below some examples of measuresalready adopted by OEC to guide and protect their Members:
General instructions (to Offices and Worksites):
» Immediate exempting from work the Members who are considered to be in risk group established by the health authorities (more than 60 years old, with chronic respiratory diseases, diabetes and other diseases causing low immunity, pregnant women with medical orientation regarding Covid-19);
» Encourage remote work for those who can fully perform their jobs in this modality, in line with their Leadership. Up to this moment, more than 95% of the office employees has adopted remote work;
» Implementation by the Health Support area of the “BuscaAtiva” servicethat monitors on a daily basis any patients with symptoms during Covid-19 outbreak, giving instruction on possible treatments;
» Definition of clinical management protocol to be used by all medical services of the company;
» Daily monitoring and consolidation of information regarding suspected and confirmed symptomatic cases. Through the analysis of these indicators, new guidelines will be established for the entire company;
» Restrictions to travelsof any kind;
» Obligation to wash your hands frequently with soap or alcoholfor at least 20 seconds;
» Avoid touching the eyes, nose and mouth;
» Do not share food, cups, towels, clothes and other utensils;
» Avoid touching handrails, door handles and any other object of public use. If such contact occurs, wash with soap or alcoholimmediately;
» Avoid contact with sick people;
» Cover your mouth and nose when coughing or sneezing with a tissue or your forearm. Throw the tissue in the trash immediately. Then clean with soap or alcohol;
» Clean and disinfect objects and surfaces that you touch frequently (example: cell phones);
» Avoid crowds and closed places. The chance of spreading this and any other virus is greater underthis condition.
Specific Guidelines for Worksites:
In the bus:
» Priority to bus transportation that allows the windows to remain open;
» The buses must be cleaned with 70% liquid alcohol, especially in places with frequent hand contact before the members get in. Alcohol-based gel should also be made available in the collective transport;
» Reduce the number of people in the bus.
In the accommodations:
» Intensify the hygiene of common areas;
» Provide alcohol-based hand sanitizer dispenser;
» Conduct specific training for housed staff, focusing on hygiene measures and contact;
» Any symptomatic cases should be referred to the medical service for conduct definition;
» In the event of symptomatic cases, provide an area inside the accommodation or in another location for symptomatic patients who, due to medical recommendation, need to be separated.
In the cafeterias:
» Intensify the sanitation of collective use areas, tables, trays and utensils;
» Signal that washing hand before meals is mandatory;
» Air the environment;
» Reduce the number of employees during meal time;
» In cases where the previous measures are not possible, evaluate the supply of lunchboxes;
» Periodic surveys in the company’s kitchen to advise on necessary precautions;
» Field teams will be divided into alternate schedules to reduce employees gathering. The areas will be sterilized in-between;
» Tables will be spaced to reduce the concentration of people.
Other general instructions:
» Encourage greetings WITHOUT physical contact;
» Giving ridesin the work vehiclesis prohibited;
» No cloth towels in the bathrooms.
Measures already implemented at São Paulo Office:
» Distribution of alcohol-based hand sanitizer dispensers in all common spaces (receptions, meeting rooms on all floors, private meeting rooms, restaurant and cafeteria);
» Campaigns to reinforce hygiene at mealtimes, with educational posters asking the employees to wash their hands before meal;
» Place the cutlery in bags. Trays are already sterilized at high temperature and cleaned with alcohol-based sanitizing gel;
» Constant cleaning of the payment card readers at the cashiers;
» New procedure on arrival at work by all service provider partners, including the use of alcohol-based hand sanitizers, gloves and masks;
» Hiring of a cleaning team just for the bathrooms in order to leave the resident team to take care of surface cleaning on the floors only. We will have one person per floor taking care of this fine cleaning only (purifiers and other utensils in the break-rooms, doorknobs, workstations, telephones, meeting rooms) – with 70% alcohol;
» Opening of bathroom doors to facilitate air circulation and avoid unnecessary touching of handles;
» The office building will provide an alcohol-based hand sanitizerdispenser in the elevator hall and lobby reception.
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