During the Annual Meeting of Novonor on December 19, in addition to celebrating the Group’s 80th anniversary and the...
Odebrecht supports Junior Enterprise Movement initiative
DATE: 05/03/2019
On April 27, just over 300 college students who are members of the Junior Enterprise Movement (MEJ) visited the Odebrecht Group’s headquarters during WelcoMEJ, one of the most important events organized by the Salvador Center of Junior Enterprises (NEJ). The meeting was held at Espaço Verde Paralela, which is the first sustainable building in the North and Northeast regions to earn Silver LEED certification. The event was hosted by NEJ, an organization of some 600 junior entrepreneurs from the city of Salvador.
The event was organized to welcome the Movement’s new young professionals and promote the development of the junior entrepreneur network. The event’s opening program included a presentation on the evolution of the Odebrecht Group in recent years.
Education in entrepreneurship – Created to mentor entrepreneurs who are committed and have the capacity to transform Brazil, the junior enterprises foster the young professionals’ development through entrepreneurship.
According to Bárbara Lorena, NEJ Salvador’s director of Development and Connections, only 2% of young college students in Brazil have access to an education in entrepreneurship, and in Salvador, which has over 40 postsecondary institutions, the situation is no different. “Our goal is to expand the network in Salvador to give students an opportunity to develop professionally and personally through entrepreneurship education,” said the WelcoMEJ organizer and student in Physical Therapy.
She added that, today, NEJ Salvador has 22 member companies, a number that is expected to reach 35 by end-2019. “We also want to expand, by 2021, the number of universities participating from six (UFBA, UNIFACS, UNEB, BAHIANA, UCSAL and SENAI-CIMATEC) to 11.
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