
  • Nova Infra Invest concessionaire in the spotlight in Peru

    DATE: 06/12/2024

    Published by: Nova Infra Invest

    IIRSA Norte, Nova Infra Invest’s concessionaire in Peru, was featured in the newspaper El Comercio for its environmental responsibility initiative.

    Check out an excerpt from the article below and click here to see the full publication.


    Responsible for life

    A journey along the path of sustainability for private companies through concrete actions that demonstrate their responsibility and contribution to caring for the planet.

    By: Lewis Mejía

    Sustainability implies an ethical and transparent commitment to society and the environment. Companies demonstrate this by applying an ESG strategy, which stands for environmental, social and governance. To take care of the planet in particular, they set targets to be carbon neutral, implementing measures to reduce emissions.



    IIRSA Norte is the first concessionaire to implement the use of canopy bridges for endangered species in the San Martin region. These bridges have been designed to blend in with the vegetation and offer animals a safe path, thus reducing the risk of being run over.

    Six canopy bridges have been placed in critical areas, such as the Alto Mayo forest in San Martin. This initiative is the result of an exhaustive environmental impact study, which identified the species most affected, such as the yellow-tailed macaque.

    For the installation, suitable points were selected for the animals to pass through. In addition, cameras were installed at each end to monitor the use of the bridges by local wildlife and assess their effectiveness.

    Thanks to these “wildlife crossings” under the “Dale vía a la vida” program, the number of road deaths has been reduced, so the same bridges will be implemented in Piura and Lambayeque for foxes and armadillos.


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