Last Friday (14/02), another graduation ceremony was held for the OEC Educação literacy project. The class, made up of...
ICN delivers first submarine of Prosub project to Brazilian Navy
DATE: 02/22/2018

The event took place at the Itaguaí Naval Complex (Rio de Janeiro).
On Tuesday, February, 20, Itaguaí Construções Navais (ICN), formed by the Naval Group and Odebrecht S.A., delivered the most important phase of the Submarine Development Program (Prosub) since the start of the project in 2013, to the Brazilian Navy: the finalization process for the first Riachuelo class submarine, with the incorporation of three sections of the vessel, which will allow its launch into the sea at the end of this year. Submarine production is part of one of the largest technological development platforms underway in the country. The event took place at the Itaguaí Naval Complex (Rio de Janeiro), with the President of the Republic, Michel Temer, the Minister of Defense, Raul Jungmann, Navy commander, Admiral Leal Ferreira and the ICN CEO, Pascal Le Roy, in attendance.
During the ceremony, the ICN CEO, Pascal Le Roy, emphasized Prosub’s importance for Brazil, both in relation to technological transfer from the French naval industry and in generating jobs and income for the state of Rio de Janeiro. “We are constructing the most modern submarines in the world. The project shows the technical capacity of Brazilian engineering. The synergistic work between France and Brazil enabled a technological transfer program, which, on completion, will provide Brazil with the capacity to design and construct its own submarines.”
The Itaguaí Naval Complex currently employs 4,700 direct workers, in addition to generating a further 11,200 indirect jobs to produce the hulls, integration systems, structures and other services. The program also has the capacity to leverage the economy in various sectors, since 320 national companies act as technology and product suppliers to develop the submarines. ICN directly employs 2,100 workers and just six French nationals.
The ceremony marked the union of all the sections which form the hull and the multiple systems already installed in each of them. This phase, of highly sophisticated technology, is the last one before launching the submarine into the sea.
The agreement between the Brazilian Navy and ICN was signed in 2009 and foresees the delivery of four conventional submarines by 2023 and one nuclear-powered submarine, completely designed and constructed in Brazil by 2029. The operation and maintenance of both models will also be carried out in the country and the nuclear-powered technology for the last submarine is being completely developed by the Navy’s Nuclear Program (PNM) at its Technological Center facilities in São Paulo (CTMSP).
In addition to the Brazilian Navy, the Naval Group, Nuclep and Odebrecht, the construction of the submarines involves the participation of universities and research centers, which further encourages the development of national technologies and Brazilian defense, training professionals in highly specialized activities. Only six countries in the world construct and operate nuclear-powered submarines – the United States, the United Kingdom, Russia, France, China and India. Of these, France was the only one which agreed to transfer technology at the level required, and to train Brazilians to design and construct submarines.
Prosub also includes the construction of industrial infrastructure and operational support of the submarines, which comprises the Shipyards, the Naval Base and the Metallic Structure Manufacturing Unit (UFEM) in the municipality of Itaguaí.
The submarines will be used to protect 8,500 km of the Brazilian coast. The sea is the route for 95% of Brazilian exports and imports and holds approximately 90% of national oil reserves.
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