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Horizons of Good Things | Women’s Day Special | Stories that add up
DATE: 03/12/2025
On this International Women’s Day (3/8), we invited three Horiens members to share a little bit of their life and career stories in this special edition of the series ‘Horizons of Good Things’, which we publish periodically on our communication channels.
These are stories that tell a little about dreams and achievements that were lived and built, step by step, by real women, with all the doubts and certainties that a great journey can hold.
“Beatriz Staffa, Fernanda Lima and Vanessa Falco are our members invited to participate in this publication in honor of International Women’s Day. Their testimonies were inspired by this date that celebrates relevant achievements throughout history and strengthens the journey of each woman in the face of her life and career challenges”, explains Fernanda Antonelli, Director of People, Communication and Marketing at Horiens.
“Together, these stories add life and strength to our work environment, and reinforce the importance of cultivating a healthy and safe environment for all women,” Fernanda highlights.
The issue of gender equality has been discussed by Horiens on a recurring basis since the creation of the company’s Diversity and Inclusion Committee in 2021. This is because our ambition as a company is focused on promoting the progressive increase in diversity, especially in the leadership sphere and with a focus on recognizing and valuing gender and race, groups that have historically been marginalized in this sphere of activity.
“At Horiens, we believe that a plural work environment is not only fair, but much more powerful. Our Culture values ??this and we have been working to build an increasingly better scenario for everyone,” concludes Fernanda.
Check out the testimonials of Beatriz, Fernanda and Vanessa, members of Horiens!
A great start
By Beatriz Staffa | Comunnication & MKT Member
The beginnign of my professional carrer
The beginning of my professional career Horiens is my first job and I couldn’t be happier with everything I’ve been experiencing and learning.
In 2023, I came to my internship interview at Horiens without any expectations. I was unpretentious because I didn’t know the company yet, so I didn’t have many expectations of what to expect, after all!
In the interview, however, I noticed something different from the others I’d been doing. I felt that this was a great opportunity, but I still didn’t know exactly how to explain why.
Today, about a year later, I’ve just been hired in the area where I did my internship and I know that the feeling that it would work out from the beginning was actually an identification with the company’s values ??and style.
I don’t need to say that my expectations for 2025 are the best possible, now as a full member, with more responsibilities and a lot to contribute!
Challenges along the journey
I’m 21 years old, I just graduated in Public Relations and I arrived with a desire to achieve and “revolutionize” things. I know that not everything is simple, but I was pleasantly surprised by the openness to my ideas.
Horiens has a very powerful culture, focused on trusting people and their potential to develop. We have the flexibility to express what we think and I value that a lot!
My main challenge was adapting the theoretical knowledge from college to everyday practice, a natural and intense process, which has been very fruitful for my personal and professional growth.
A look at women and the role of work
Being part of an open environment like Horiens has been fundamental at the beginning of my career, because it gives me security and motivation.
Here, the transparent dialogue and partnership with the team make a big difference in my day-to-day life. I consider it a great start and I’m very happy with the phase I’m experiencing!
I believe that this environment has had a huge influence on my development and makes me, every day, a stronger woman, prepared to live life in line with my values. I wish the same for all women!
Each step, a big opportunity
By Fernanda Lima | Member of the Personal Insurance team
l The beginning of the professional journey
My career at Horiens began in 2014, on the Olá Pessoas team, Horiens’ Personal Insurance relationship unit.
I remember with great fondness the feeling at the beginning, a mix of happiness and butterflies in my stomach, which today I see was related to the fact that I was fulfilling a dream.
I was discovering a new world, that of insurance, but the company was already part of my history, through fond conversations with my grandfather, Valter Santiago. A construction foreman, he had true admiration for the company built by Norberto Odebrecht.
Our conversations resonated deeply within me, and so I also began to admire this history, even as a child. Today, when I remember this, I feel immense nostalgia, but also enormous happiness for being here, building my career!
Challenges along the way
I look back on the last decade and see the different stages of my professional career, all of which seem to have been carefully and carefully placed by God. Even though this may not have been so obvious at first, I believe that I was guided every step of the way.
The beginning was full of excitement, discoveries and a great sense of humor to deal with new things. The departure in 2017, the expected return in 2019, which came with my move from Salvador to São Paulo. The internal transition of the Action Program (PA) in 2020, the pandemic in the middle of all this. The restart once again.
Without a doubt, each step was a great opportunity. In all of them, I felt an enormous desire to surpass myself and this has had a very positive and powerful impact on my life and the way I see the world.
A look at women and the role of work
As a woman and a professional, I am sure that I am on the right track in my life.
Professionally, I have developed a lot by taking advantage of opportunities to challenge myself and taking on increasing responsibilities at work. Personally, the growth has been immense too, after all, it is impossible to separate work and life. In all these years at Horiens, I have had the opportunity and the space to look at myself, question myself, believe in my potential and have the trust of the people around me.
I have learned that being comfortable with our own choices is essential and that being part of an environment that encourages growth is wonderful. The strength of women is incredible and all we need is a fair and transparent environment and self-confidence to move on!
Career: dedication, persistence and an open heart
ByVanessa Falco | Leader of the Energy, Oil & Gas segment
The beginning of my professional career
My career in the insurance market began early and, I would say, almost by chance. I could hardly imagine what was yet to come! I was at the end of college and, to finish my final project, I had to delve a little into the world of insurance.
There I connected with people from this market for the first time, which opened doors to my first job in this area, which I have never left since. In 2010, I joined Horiens and soon found space and opportunities to explore.
Since then, I have spent 15 years learning deeply, forming internal and external partnerships, and a career that I am very proud of.
Challenges along the way
There were many times when I faced a challenge and asked myself: wow, this is too big and complex, can I do it? Each time, I kept going, learning and achieving, in true Horiens style, with boldness, dynamism, and a good dose of dedication.
From the beginning, I like to remember the great lessons learned from a project in Angola, in which I actively participated and which, at the time, was very important for the country. Then, I dedicated myself to the great challenge of helping a Horiens client join the select group of energy companies that make up Everen Insurance Limited (formerly OIL).
Last but not least, I cannot fail to mention my recent internal career transition, which included more challenges, an open heart and even a move from São Paulo to Rio de Janeiro, a city full of life with which I already feel connected and which I am discovering, day by day!
A look at women and the role of work
In the insurance market, I have seen more and more women in leadership positions, which makes me confident that we are evolving towards greater equality and more transparent and inclusive environments.
I believe that making a difference for my team is very important and I seek to share my learnings with other women, with the aim of supporting each other.
In this sense, I often say that there are two factors that I consider to be game changers: the persistence that is necessary to achieve great things and the achievement of financial independence, which allows women to take control of their own lives.
Throughout my career, I have experienced incredible opportunities. I want to remain open to what life and work have to offer and wish the same for all women!
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