Last Friday (14/02), another graduation ceremony was held for the OEC Educação literacy project. The class, made up of...
Team from Trasvase Olmos Concessionaire obtains recertification of ISO Standards 9001 and 14001
DATE: 05/04/2018
After a long process and with the participation and commitment of the entire team, the Trasvase Olmos Concessionaire in Peru obtained recertification of the ISO standards 9001 and 14001 in the 2015 version.
The audit carried out by SGS, the world leader in certification, was based on interviews, observation of activities and review of documents presented by the team.
After three days of work, the auditors concluded that the company has established and maintains a management system that is aligned with the requirements of the standards.
Likewise, the scope of the recertification was approved and validated as follows: “Operation and Maintenance of Transfer Works on the Olmos Project, which includes withdrawal, regulation, transfer and delivery of water from the Huancabamba River”.
ISO 9001 is an international standard that takes into account the activities of a group, regardless of sector. The standard is based on customer satisfaction and on the ability to supply goods and services that meet the internal and external requirements of the organization. The ISO 9001 is today the most renowned and widely used standard in the world.
ISO 14001, on the other hand, specifies the most important requirements to identify, control and supervise the environmental aspects of any organization and also the way of managing and improving the whole system.
Congratulate the entire CTO team, which has been working and always maintaining the quality of all its processes.
The Integral Olmos Project involves the transfer of water from the Huancabamba River from the slope facing the Atlantic Ocean to that facing the Pacific Ocean through the 20-kilometer long Trasandino Tunnel, which will be used to irrigate the virgin lands in the Olmos valley and to generate hydroelectric power. CTO is an Odebrecht Group company, which holds the 20-year water transfer concession.
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