
  • Enseada supports recognition of the buri quilombo in Maragojipe

    DATE: 07/29/2024

    Published by: Enseada

    Enseada celebrates and congratulates the quilombola community of Buri, in Maragojipe, for the important achievement in its land regularization process, for the recognition granted by the National Institute for Colonization and Agrarian Reform (Incra), published in the Official Gazette on July 26, which is fundamental for improving the living conditions and autonomy of the 40 remaining families of this quilombo, whose main livelihood is artisanal fishing and farming.

    Enseada has played a strategic role in this regularization process, which strengthens the social rights that have already been won and expands access to essential public policies. By collaborating with public bodies such as the Special Secretariat for Policies to Promote Racial Equality (Sepromi) and Incra, the company has facilitated the necessary coordination to move this process forward.

    Frequent meetings and visits to quilombola leaders have been held, providing ongoing monitoring and support for future actions aimed at consolidating the community’s territorial and socio-economic rights. This commitment demonstrates not only the company’s corporate responsibility, but also its active engagement in promoting equality and social justice, contributing positively to the sustainable and inclusive development of the region.

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