During the Annual Meeting of Novonor on December 19, in addition to celebrating the Group’s 80th anniversary and the...
See the results of the reputation survey of the Odebrecht Group conducted among team members
DATE: 12/17/2018
In July this year we invited all team members of our Business and the holding company to take a survey to evaluate the reputation of the Odebrecht Group. The survey, conducted by the Reputation Institute for the third year, sought to analyze the opinions and perceptions about the current moment at Odebrecht.
See the key takeaways from the survey
4,121 team members from the Group participated in the survey
82% at Odebrecht S.A., 81% at Odebrecht Foundation, 75% at OCS, 66% at Odebrecht Retirement Fund, 49% at Odebrecht Transport, 41% at Ocyan, 40% at OEC, 39*% at OR, 35% at Odebrecht Latinvest, 32% at Atvos and 17% at Braskem.
5 reputation points in 2018
Rating considered weak in a ranking of 0 to 100.
Reputation rises to 64.5,
excluding the ratings from Braskem team members, a score considered average
Word Cloud
In general, team members associate positive words with Odebrecht. See the differences between 2017 and 2018.
Reputation of the Odebrecht Group by rational dimensions
Em 2018, houve uma percepção mais positiva da dimensão liderança,
mas a avaliação em desempenho, cidadania e ambiente de trabalho caiu.
Reputation of the Odebrecht Group among team members of Ancillary Businesses and Companies
(OTP, Latinvest, Foundation, OCS and Retirement Fund did not have enough responses to provide statistical data)
Reputation of the Odebrecht Group among team members – by country
Odebrecht Group’s reputation is more positive among team members in Angola.
Team members who are aware or have heard of the social and environmental projects of the Businesses evaluate the Odebrecht Group more positively, at 67.6 points.
Following are the attributes in which the Odebrecht Group enjoys better reputation among team members:
It’s a group with global operations – 76,5
Quality products and services – 75,9
Occupational health and safety of team members – 75
Has competent and qualified professionals – 74,6
Satisfies the needs of its clients – 74,6
The climate and support for the Odebrecht Group are very positive.
70% would speak well of the Group
75% would recommend working at one of the Group companies
82% identify with the values of the TEO
74% believe the leader is open to dialogue
73% believe that the Group has improved in its commitment to act with ethics and integrity
76% are proud to work in one of the Group companies
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