
  • Homologation of the Court Supervised Reorganization Plan of Odebrecht S.A.

    DATA: 07/28/2020

    Dear Members,

    I am pleased to inform you that the Court Supervised Reorganization Plan of Odebrecht SA, its parent companies Kieppe and ODBinv and most of its non-operating subsidiaries was approved yesterday, July 27, by the Judge of the 1st Bankruptcy and Court Supervised Reorganization from Sao Paulo.

    This is the time we turn over a new leaf. It is the conclusion of a process that started a little over a year ago and that led us to difficult, but important negotiations with our creditors.

    With the approval, the confidence of all of us in Odebrecht’s reorganization capacity is renewed, and our eyes are turned to the future.

    It is time to reinforce, with the support and engagement of all our 40,000 members, the practice of the best we have learned over 75 years of history – our technical capacity to serve customers and the communities where we operate – by delivering projects and products, always with ethics, integrity and transparency.

    I want to thank those who dedicated themselves to this achievement with enormous effort and personal sacrifices. At this moment, I pay tribute to the competence, skill and capacity for dialogue of the Finance and Legal teams of Odebrecht S.A. and also of our external advisors, Eduardo Munhoz and Ricardo K., with their respective teams.

    The full court approval of the Court Supervised Reorganization Plan is available on our website by clicking here.

    Thank you.

    Best regards.
    Ruy Sampaio
    CEO of Odebrecht S.A.

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